Derrick Todd Lee is Innocent
Because of the Color of His Skin

The logic? O.J. was black - O.J. was innocent. Derrick Lee is black - Derrick Lee must be innocent. I know, I know - there isn't any logic in it at all. That's the point. Already an upsurge has started from some in the black community claiming Derrick Lee is innocent and being "wrongly" convicted. You know, because he's black. Doesn't it make sense to you? No, me either. Welcome to the South.

One devoted Derrick-fan said he needed to "call Oprah" because he was going to need all the help he could get. She said she felt very sorry for him. I feel very sorry for her.

Besides the task force, the other group of people I’m upset with are stupid black people. It is not a racist statement; I didn’t say all black people just the ignorant ones that believe Derrick Lee is innocent because of the color of his skin. This isn’t O.J., folks – but it looks as if it is going to turn into that.

Myself and others have heard some black people talking about "poor Derrick Lee". They feel sorry for him because they believe he is innocent – that he is being framed because they can’t catch the real killer. I would think you’d have to be dropped on your head to be that dense.

Let’s think about this – if the task force wanted to pin the murders on an innocent man to make it look like they caught someone, he would’ve been white. Why? Because the FBI profile said he was most likely white. The entire reason Derrick Lee was looked over so many times before by the task force is because he was black. It then stands to reason that a concocted capture would’ve been of a white man – to make a nice, neat package.

And then, the biggest dose of common sense here, how would they explain themselves when the killings continued and the wrong man was securely behind bars? It’s so stupid as to be ludicrous and has no legs to stand on as anything probable.

A now untold number of innocent women are dead at the hands of this man, and they feel sorry for him? He’s been wrongly convicted because he’s black?! Why does everyone make everything about that – especially when it isn’t?

Even white people are shocked that he’s black; I know I thought the killer was white. It’s just such a dim-witted thought. Even if the man confesses everything he’s done there will still be people out here claiming he was coerced and is, indeed, still innocent – only because he’s black. And even if something comes up and it’s proven that Lee is not really the serial killer, it still won’t have a damn thing to do with skin color.

If Derrick Lee had been white none of this would've come up. No one would've said "He's innocent - they're framing him". Only because his skin tone is dark are people up in arms; with no more proof of innocence than his pigment. People are dead - DNA says this man killed them. I bet these same people wouldn't be feeling "sorry for him" if it had been their daughter that was taken from her home, beaten, raped and killed. It is very easy to turn this into something racial when it isn't happening to you.

People, this has nothing to do with that man's skin - if he were purple, DNA would still claim his guilt. But if he were purple you wouldn't have a bunch of ignorant, racially-obsessed blacks going around feeling sorry for this man rather than all of the innocent women he murdered and the lives he's ruined!!

Anyone who knows me or reads my site knows I'm not racist - I just can't stand to see people using this as an excuse to further their own cause, and to automatically assume this killer is innocent simply because he's black.

Women, many beautiful, bright and loved women are dead - their futures stolen from them. Many more people who knew them and loved them will never heal from such an awful wound. These women and these people are young, old, black, white, rich and poor. They are human. This isn't about race or racism. It's about a man taking the life of fellow HUMANS. This affects all of us.
